Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Ten Years In Ten Days: The Future Expands

Year seven of our marriage (2009 - 2010)  started out as things at my job were getting more chaotic and unpredictable.  In January of 2010, I would be let go from my job as a traveling corporate trainer and was unemployed for the first time in a LONG time, much less unemployed and responsible for bills with another person.  It was the first time in my life that I collected unemployment, and my self esteem took a HUGE blow.  Jenn was amazing during this time, helping me stay positive.  One of my best friends, Chad, lost his job the next day and we did what we could to keep each other motivated.

A couple of weeks after that, I ran into an old friend by the name of Tim Barry.  He had been trying to get me to make music with him and a music ministry he was involved with, but the first time I was working nights and the second time was when I was constantly on the road.  This time, I had no excuse, and the next week I would have my first rehearsal with a band called Trinity Reign.  The bad thing was that the ministry would disband about six months later.  The MAJOR positive thing was that I met a dude named Ken Belcher.  More about him in the next installment of this series.

In late May, I would run into an old boss from Southwest General Services, and I would end up working for him in a different branch of the company in June.  The office was 5 minutes from the house and without freeway driving.  This was an answer to prayer that restored some of my sanity and gave me even more knowledge and skills within the healthcare industry.  And I was making the best money of my life.

Around late spring, Chad and I were kicking around some ideas, and the concept of a podcast came up.  We brainstormed, and the first week in July, The Clubhouse Podcast was born, co-hosted by another friend, Cody Hawkins.  (If you don't know what this is, CLICK HERE.)  The show is still going strong to this day, and we are almost to our 200th episode.  Someday, I will convince my beautiful wife to do the podcast with me, and that could be THE GREATEST EPISODE EVER.  I am not telling my readers to convince her of this, but I am also not telling my readers to convince her of this.  :-)

The next year of our time together would bring more change, and a MAJOR life decision.


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