Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Ten Years In Ten Days: The Adventure Begins

The first year of marriage for myself and TL&TME was very interesting.  It started with us going to the Mariott by the airport, which was provided for us by my mom.  Apparently, she told them that it was our wedding night and she wanted something special for us.  Sure, we were only going to be there for about six hours (we had an early morning flight to Orlando), but she still wanted it to be special.  I valeted our car so we could leave it there for our trip, and Jenn went to check us in.

When I met her at the counter, the nice gentleman there asked if we needed a wake-up call, and I said yes.  He then looked at the other guy and said, "... wake up call for room....".  As he said that, the other guy looked at him with a bit of a surprised expression.  I ignored it and we got our keys so that we could head up to our room.

As we got on the elevator, a concierge got on and had to use his cardkey to get to the room BELOW ours, which I thought was odd, but just continued on.  When the elevator opened, it was obvious that we were on the floor with the suites, as each door had a name for the room on it.  As we turned the corner, we saw a section of the wall that was all very nicely stained wood with a door that had beautifully crafted glass on it, and a doorbell.  As I looked at our cardkey, I could have sworn that the number next to this beautiful display matched the number on our envelope.  We were both very puzzled at this point.  Then, my wife in the wisdom that only she has, snapped me out of it with:

"Try it and see if it works!"

I did, and it did.  What we then learned (and not even my mom knew) is that they booked us in the Presidential Suite.  I have lived in apartments smaller than this thing that had it's own conference room, 1 1/2 baths, a full living room area, tiled fourier, and a whole lot more.  (We have a video tour of it.  It was THAT cool.)

We got up the next morning and headed to a week of the best honeymoon EVER at Walt Disney World.  Jenn tells people that I spent more time planning our honeymoon than she spent planning the wedding, and I wear that like a badge of courage.  We had a plan, and we executed it almost flawlessly.  That is another story for another time.

We returned and we went right back to work.  Over the next year, Sports City would go under its remodel, and I would spend that month working 18 hours every day going back and forth to The Colony (which then was about an hour each way), prepping that store and mine for the new computer system that would handle our DJ and karaoke functions.  We also saw Nickelback that summer, and it rained like crazy.  We bought T-shirts and sealed the bag so we at least had something dry to wear after the show.

In September of 2004, we would move out of the house we were in, and move into our current home.  That move could have been a lot worse, with us working opposite shifts and all, but we have some amazing friends that even showed up first thing in the morning on a Saturday and in a FLEET of trucks, got all of our big stuff moved in one trip.  I will always be thankful for the amazing people in our lives.

Since our first anniversary was on a Monday (leap year), and it was football season, I could not take the day off, but we still found time to have some anniversary time.  We even were able to eat our cake topper as is tradition.  I warn those of you that will go this: get it the first time.  It will not stay good after a few hours when you thaw it out.  Trust me.  There IS a time clock when you take it out of the freezer.  :-)


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