Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Ten Years In Ten Days: The Future Dims & Brightens

Our series continues into year eight (2010 - 2011), with me working steadily and things looking up.  Things would take a further upswing in early February when I would get a call from Ken Belcher, who was the guitar player I worked with in Trinity Reign.  His church Praise & Worship team would be playing at a biker service on Easter, and he asked me if I wanted to sing with them.  I agreed, and started working with him again.  Things just felt right, and he asked me to work with them on a weekly basis for his church.  This turned into me going back to church on a regular basis, and a recharged faith that I needed.  Especially given what was to come.

In the spring, I would lose my grandmother.  I flew to Tampa to be with my family, which was bittersweet because I got to see all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  I also knew that it would probably be the last time we would all be in the same room.  I hope that last sentence was not the truth, but I have come to grips with it.  It was a great weekend regardless.

About a month after that, I would get laid off from my job.  This one didn't sting as bad as the last one, but it still sucked.  The silver lining here is that my trip to Florida for my 20 year high school reunion got to be a little longer.

The reunion itself was on my birthday, which made it even more fun.  I got to spend some time with some of my favorite people in the world, whom I miss greatly.  I also got to spend some "Rob time," see my best friend and his wife, spend time with my sister, Julie (who lives about an hour from me, yet I still don't get to see as often as I would like), and take one of the greatest road trips EVER as Phil & Shannon Maher and their family would move out here in the same area where Julie live.  I love having them out here, and feel like they are my family.

So, there was a balance there, but things were starting to get to me as unemployment was going on WAY longer than I wanted it to.  It was taking a toll on my well being, and Jenn was doing everything she could to help me stay positive.  The rollercoaster would continue, as you will see in tomorrow's entry.


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