Friday, May 06, 2005

Busy Man

Got some random thoughts this week, so here we go...

- I got a new toy this week, as the Tweeter in my neighborhood is closing. Let's just say that I got a great TV at a great price, and leave it at that. The major piece of my home theater is complete.

- If you get the chance, and you're up in Plano, stop by and say hello (in a nice way) to the kids from DFW FanForce (which I am a member of) whom are not only waiting on line for the release of Revenge Of The Sith, but are also raising money for charity in doing so. You can make a donation, which is tax deductible, and you can get raffle tickets for your donation for great prizes like: a place in the front of the line, autographed merchandise, and more. The charity is named Rainbow days, and they are focused on helping educate kids about being drug-free. For those of you that are counting, we are less than TWO WEEKS from the movie. I'll be out there periodically, so if you see me, don't act like you've never met me. It makes me sad.

- The Mavericks don't get the job done last night to close out the Houston Rockets. Has anyone else noticed that they tend to panic when they get down by more than five points? They start taking these stupid, circus, am-I-gonna-get-on-SportsCenter shots that rarely make it, and end up burying themselves deeper. I mean, you're up by ten, and then end up losing by almost twenty? I'm not real optimistic about tomorrow night.

- On the other hand, my Heat are getting some much needed rest before they take on either the Wizards or the Bulls. It's good to see them playing well, even with Shaq not at 100%. Good times.

- Memo to the ladies: if you HAVE to put on your makeup while behind the wheel, please do not do it on the freeway. Makes me nervous.

- Memo to both genders: if you HAVE to talk on your phone in the car (which I do as well), PLEASE buy a headset. You need to have both hands available to, oh I don't know, DRIVE THE CAR. You'll be surprised how much better your shoulders and neck feel, too.

- There are only 57 shopping days left until my birthday. Get used to the countdown; every time I make an entry until then, it will be here.

- Happy late Cinco de Mayo to all of my Mexican friends. To the rest of you: hope the hangover isn't too bad.

- Finally, Happy Mother's Day to all of you ladies out there that can claim to offspring. Make sure you at least call your mom on Sunday. I'll try, but mine doesn't have an answering machine (kinda strange... she's been a computer person my whole life, but she won't have an answering machine, and she refuses to use a cell phone for any reason).

Until next time, when who knows what I'm going to throw out there...


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