Tuesday, May 10, 2005

No Rest For The Wicked

I don't think I've had a down day in about three weeks, but at least I'm getting a decent workout in without going to the gym.

Basically, I've been doing very little more than lifting boxes and moving them for a while now. At work, we are preparing a room formerly full of paperwork into a training facility, so I have been taking boxes and equipment all over town. Granted, I'm not complaining because a- I get a workout out of the deal and b- I don't have to be in the office all day. You see, I like to drive my car (even on Central, which is a road from hell in Dallas) because it gives me some Rob Time.

I learned long ago that everybody has to have Self Time. Even if it is ten minutes in the bathroom with a good book or magazine, everybody has to have it. It helps you "get your head right with ball," as they say. Plus, it's good for your sanity. Or what's left of it.

Driving does that for me. I just turn on the radio and let my mind drift while simultaneously making sure that I am not hurting myself or anyone else on the road. Where I grew up (in South Florida), the only place that I could really drive like that was along A1A (which IS a real road that runs along the east coast beaches of Florida... and please don't follow that up with "Beachfront Avenue"). Here in Dallas, you aren't going anywhere if you aren't driving at least fifteen minutes (this city is HUGE), so driving is a bit more of a dominating force. Hell, these days, an hour drive doesn't bother me in the least, wherehas before, that was a road trip.

Anyway, my friend Chad has also been moving for about the last four days, and I have been helping him with that chore as well. Nothing works up a sweat better than moving, lemme tell ya. We're almost done (at least with my part... I'll move stuff all day, but I don't pack and I don't clean), so maybe there's some reprieve in store next week.

Once Chad's move is done, I will resume spending time at the Cinemark Legacy in Plano, as D/FW FanForce has been raising money for charity as we lineup to get the good seats for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. As I like to say, sure we're fanboys, but we're fanboys with a charity! The movie is actually late night, one week from tomorrow, so that is the light at the end of the tunnel for now.

In other news...

-My good friend Mario is coming to town a week from tonight to join us for the movie next week. He moved to the Northeast a little over a year ago, and this is his first visit back. I miss him a lot, and it will be good to spend a few days with him. Maybe he'll decide to move back. Here's to hoping!

-I got a new toy last week, in the form of a 65" Mitsubishi Diamond big screen. The Tweeter in my neighborhood is closing, so we took advantage of a GREAT price break. I had to buy a bunch of new wire to go with it, and eventually I will get my HD TiVo, but for now, I'm happy. Damn, that screen is huge.

-Monday Night Raw SUCKED last night. That's all I have to say about that.

-My Heat are playing well, but I have to keep reminding myself that the real challenge will come if they get past the Wizards to face either the Pacers or defending champion Pistons. Stay healthy and we're OK.

-On the other hand, the Mavericks win game seven against Houston by 40, but lose to Phoenix by 25. Some like to blame it on the lack of rest, but you play a schedule like that in the regular season, so what's the difference. Plus, gave seven was at home, so it wasn't like they had to stay on the road. Let's hope they can find their focus. Sure, a Dallas/Miami final would stress me out (the Heat have seniority, so of course that's who I'd root for), but it would be fun to watch.

Stay well, dear reader, and we'll do this all again soon.


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