Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Idol Chatter

Let me start by giving my opinion of what has happened with this Corey Clark/Paula Abdul debacle. The kid's a liar and trying to shamelessly promote an album that won't be worth a damn besides a coaster when it is released. He now says he has "incriminating evidence" but he doesn't want to have to use it. Dude, it's pop music, not the World Poker Tour. Show your hand or admit you have nothing. Plus, how did your Idol journey work out for you? Obviously, any advice Paula allegedly gave you didn't help you win, did it, Hoss? Just making sure. Having said that...

Yes, I'm not afraid to admit that I watch American Idol.

I understand the fact that I am nowhere NEAR their target demographic, but it is interesting to me to see what America thinks is good and what is not. I am, however, pretty good at picking the goods. I have successfully picked the winner twice from the first sight (sidebar- Kelly Clarkson I picked the first time I watched the show, but I didn't see it until the top 5... I am still taking credit for it), and the other two came in at runner-up. I still think Diana DeGarmo is a bazillion times more talented than the chick named after a Disney movie. She kinda whips my ass.

That being said (and my wife can atest to this), I have picked Carrie Underwood to win the whole damn thing from the announcement of the top 12. She's incredibly talented, and hot to boot. I have also said that it will come down to her and Bo Bice, and that's the way it's shaping up. My question, though, is this...

Once you get down to four, does it REALLY matter?

It appears to me that once you get rid of the spare talent (Celena Ray aside, whom I met once before this season premiered, and is a nice girl and has a heck of a voice... I think bad song choices is what befell her) and are left with the upper-middle and top tier talent at about the final six, it's simply a pecking order from that point on. Bo has only been in the bottom of the pack once, which I feel may not have really been the case, since even Ruben Studdard was in the bottom three once in his season. Basically, if you aren't the one to go, who is to say that you are in the bottom three or not? I think both of these guys in that situation were nothing more than shock value.

Once you get down to the nitty gritty, it's just a matter of talent versus super talent. Personally, it only takes me about five minutes to get through the results show on TiVo (the greatest invention EVER). I skip the "group song," as well as the "here's what the judges said about each of you last night" segment. Dude, WE GET IT. WE WATCHED IT LAST NIGHT. Plus, it doesn't really matter what the judges say anyway; they don't have say once we get to the top twelve. I will admit that it's funny to watch what Cowell says (the guy's right a lot more often than when he's wrong, and all of you know it), but they are just time filler more than anything at this point.

Anyway, Carrie wins and that's that. Bo gets a record deal anyway (no runner-up hasn't... some have just been able to do more with it), and Vonzell will fall in with somebody. Anthony has the "Clay Version 2.0" thing working, which may work against him, but I expect him to be gone tonight anyway. Kid's a great story, but if Stephanie can't win Survivor: Palau, this kid can't win American Idol. Let that one sink in for a minute.

Talk about the reason God made Oklahoma...


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