Thursday, May 12, 2005

One Week

I was thinking today that in seven days, I will have been through the experience that will forever be known as Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and I thought I would go back and try to remember my early memories of the film series that changed my life and officially made me a geek.

I was just about to turn four when A New Hope was released. My mom and I were still living in Iowa (we would move to Florida a little over a year later), and we saw the movie in the local, one-screen, balcony having, reel projector theater, and it was an experience I will never forget. I remember looking all over the lobby of the theater and seeing the production stills all over the walls and thinking "Man, this looks COOL!" I was not disappointed. I've seen the films more times than I will venture to count, but you never forget the first. George Lucas changed the way that movies are both made and seen, and we thank him for it.

Now, as we prepare for the final week before the final film (at least for now), I still hold firm to the thoughts that my friend Chad and I had after Attack Of The Clones. I'm excited about Ep. III, but I'll be sad at the same time.

More thoughts as we get closer.


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