Friday, May 20, 2005

Revenge Of The Sith

OK, I've caught up on a bit of sleep, so here we go...

Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader. Almost everybody dies. Luke & Leia are born. That's all I'm telling you.

As the worldwide frenzy that is Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith hits theaters, all I can tell you about this film is that it was completely and totally worth the wait. George Lucas ties up the entire story with a nice little bow so that the prequel trilogy now blends in nicely to the original trilogy, which is now almost thirty years old. A local reviewer here has stated to not be surprised if this one gets a Best Picture nod from the Oscar committee. I'm not ready to go out on that limb yet, but this film is the fastest two and a half hours you will ever spend. I did not look at my watch once, nor did I truly care (aside from the "Damn, I'm screwed tomorrow" thoughts), and now I cannot wait for the DVD set (tentatively set for November 7th), so the true marathon can begin.

The rating is a "10". You expected something else? I enjoyed Ep. I.

The only thing that I can say on the flipside of the coin is that I cannot WAIT for the media hype to die down. I am so sick of the press getting a hold of the people that perpetuate the stereotype of the Star Wars fan. When I have to sit through a TRL Star Wars special where you KNOW that the "hosts" wouldn't know a true SW reference if it reached up and bit them on the ass (LaLa, I'm talking to you... at least take the time to commit the basics to memory, so it's not OBVIOUS that you are reading the cue cards), it's gotten out of hand.

And to the sports media, I have this to say: no matter how you justify it, you are just as bad as the SW community. You dress up in outfits that are indicitive of your specific passion, you will wait for hours to get tickets to the "show," and you have no effect on how the event plays out. In most cases, there are up to 80 times you can see your desired team play. So get the hell off of that horse whose back seems to be taller than the radio tower that spews your crap to the world (yes, Gregg "The Hammer" Williams, this means you... I am an avid fan of your show and your station, and I think it's freakish the way you "score" a baseball game... I'd rather get the stats from the paper or on-line... also, there is no way in HELL that you'll just walk up to a box office tomorrow and get a ticket right before showtime and get whatever seat you want; the movie did almost as much in ONE SHOWING at midnight across the country than some box office champs do in a whole weekend). It's these same "freaks" that probably work very hard to make sure that you look and sound good over the airwaves, so watch who you call what.

Wow. That felt kinda good.


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