Monday, May 16, 2005

Eight Days A Week

Long weekend leading into a long week.

Got to spend some time at the charity lineup this past weekend. Good to see the group before Wednesday, and I got to hear some stories about what's been happening in the overnights, which brings me to a rant.

You know, I don't really care if you believe in and/or agree with someone's belief system of likes and dislikes. Do everyone a favor for me and don't infringe upon their personal space, much less safety. There was a guy out at the lineup camping out who was awakened the other day to the sound of huge firecrackers being set off. That was bad enough, but they were ATTACHED TO HIS TENT. To the point that they were right next to him.

I can go to the wall with some things, but this is ridiculous. If it makes you feel better to belittle somebody else, fine. You might want to run a self-diagnostic, but whatever. But when it gets to the point where you possibly cause someone physical harm, it's just wrong. This guy could have, on the outside, lost some hearing. At the most I don't even want to consider. I mean, these things blew a hole in the side of his tent. Air horns, yelling things out your window, revving up your engine, snickering, shaking your head... sure, they're hurtful and wrong, but this is SUPER WRONG. I hope someone finds these guys and shoves a firecracker straight up their tookus.

I would also like to display my distaste for a local radio station who ran a contest over the weekend that does not sit well with me. Mix 102.9, which is an adult contemporary station, was giving away family 4 packs to a showing of Episode III at 7 PM on Wednesday. Go back and read that last sentance carefully. If you do your math correctly, you will realize that this screening is five hours before the show that D/FW FanForce has been lining up for. At the same theater.

If you want to do this screening, that's cool. Just don't do it at the theater where fans have been raising money for charity by lining up to get into the midnight showing for two weeks. The theater management came out and apologized to the group, saying that this thing was dropped in their lap. Granted, this is a ClearChannel station, so take that for what it is worth. I'm close to the point of taking them off of my presets.

Ending this on an upbeat, I get to attend a screening tonight of The Longest Yard, sponsored by our local ESPN radio station, and it will be attended by one of the film's stars, Cowboy great Michael Irvin. Exciting times, and I'll try to have a review up tomorrow.

And Mario, since this is the last entry you'll see before you get on the road, have a safe trip down, and we all can't wait to see you.


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