Tuesday, April 26, 2005

It's Been Awhile Since I Could Say...

Sorry about the title. It's wordy, but I wanted a musical reference.

I know we haven't spent time together lately, but it's because my work has buried me in a sea of computers and training, so for the next little while, these will be sporatic at best.

I did want to take a minute to tell the story of what happened to me at the end of last week. As you may or may not know, I have been fairly well traveled in my three decades on this planet (more than some, less than some), and had the opportunity to take a work trip to San Francisco last week to attend a conference. So I took it and embarked on the four-hour flight to the west coast of this great country to see the Golden Gate City.

For 21 hours.

I flew in Thursday night, and was back in Dallas Friday night. From what I saw of it, San Fran is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been in. Quick shout out to our West Coast readers (yeah, right, like we have THOSE... I don't think we have any West TEXAS readers). I also enjoyed my first few solo experiences with taking a taxi (one of my drivers even picked me up in his off time... a bit unstable for me to do, but it makes for a great story), and I saw the Bay Bridge, as well as Monster Park AND SBC Park. The Golden Gate Bridge was on the other side of town, and I was on a time schedule. The conference itself took all of thirty minutes, but it was well worth it. I would like to take a few extra days out there the next time I get the chance to see the town, but I was really impressed with the things I saw. Hey, I even saw a golf course on an island that was FULLY LIGHTED. Mmmm... golf.

I will tell more of the story as the days go on, but I will start with a quick note for those of you that book flights: if my name ever comes across your desk to book me a flight, DO NOT give me the window seat. I am not a small man by any stretch, and the window is not real comfortable for me, unless it's behind the bulkhead (which is the row I prefer anyway). Help a brotha out and hook me up on the aisle.

Lastly for today, a quick plug for a site that I have read for years, and re-introduced myself to the greatness of recently. The address is http://www.tomatonation.com, run by the great Sarah Bunting. If you enjoy any of my rants, you will see how bush league I really am by reading her stuff. Pure unadulterated greatness.

Until next time, when I review a few movies on their way to DVD (watched 'em on the flights)...


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