Monday, January 07, 2013

This Is A Life? Chapter 1: July 2nd, 1973

This is where we start the new series that should take us through the year of 2013.  I turn 40 this year, and I thought it might be fun to take a couple of entries a week and use the vast knowledge of both a career in the DJ arena and also the vast knowledge of my own life and combine them and tell the story of my life via music.  Kind of a "Soundtrack Of My Life" thing.

Where else to begin but the beginning?

I was born on July 2nd, 1973 in Greenfield, Iowa.  I am told that it was around 8:00 in the evening to Connie Ervin and Bob Ervin.  I can't personally tell you much more than that.  I mean, sure I was there, but I don't remember much.  From what I have gathered, I got out of the hospital before Mom did, and at a certain point, a makeshift bed was made for me out of a drawer in the dresser of the hotel my extended family was staying in.  I am named after both of my grandfathers (maternal and paternal, respectively), so no real exotic story there.

For the song that will go with this entry, I have decided to go with what was the #1 song in the country on that day.  I give you: Billy Preston's "Will It Go 'Round In Circles".

We will do this each and every Monday and Friday for the remainder of this year.  I can't wait to share some of the stories of my existence with all of you, so make sure you keep reading!  (It's good for my self esteem.  :-) )


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