Tuesday, July 05, 2011

My Next Thirty (Eight) Years

So, I had a birthday this past weekend.  I have now completed 38 laps around the sun.  The same day was my 20 Year High School Reunion.  As I have been driving around my home area of Southeast Florida for the last week, it has got me to thinking:  As I turn 38, what knowledge have I gained?  As I have now been out of high school since the summer that "Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves" was released, what can I pass on to future generations that I have learned in this life? So, I came up with this list, which I will give one item for each year:

1. Try not to wash a thumb drive.  It can give you a panic attack.  (This actually happened to me today.)

2. Don't go to bed angry.  You won't fall asleep, which will in turn make you angrier.

3. Your significant other is not a mind reader.  No matter how well they may know you, it is still imparative to let them know if something is on your mind.  I have always said, "If YOU don't tell me, I don't know."

4. Leave as little open to interpretation as possible.  It will keep you out of SO many awkward situation.  And as fun as it is to give the "awkward turtle" hand signal, it's more fun to not do that.

5. HUGS.  ARE.  AWESOME.  It's as simple as that.

6. Working with teenagers will teach you more about yourself than you will ever teach them, by a country mile.

7. Next time you have popcorn, cut up an apple and mix it in there.  The taste result is nothing short of genius.

8. There will come a day when you WILL say the same things about kids that your parents said about you when you were a kid.  It's the circle of life; get used to it.

9. Learn how to love unapologetically.  It's AMAZING what it will do for you on multiple levels.

10. Like my mother always told me, "Try as many things as you can.  As long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone else, it's OK." (I would like to add, "and within the law". Just sayin'.)

11. Two words: Courtesy.  Flush.  Learn it.  Love it.  Live it.

12. There is an entire world outside your door.  Explore it every once in a while.

13. Your beliefs are your beliefs.  That doesn't necessarily make them right or wrong; they're just yours.  And there's nothing wrong with that.

14. TiVo/DVR's are one of man's greatest inventions.  So are iPods, the wheel, fire, and Wi-Fi.

15. Bullying ANYONE is just plain wrong.

16. Only ask questions that you actually want the answers to.  Because you WILL get them.

17. I should have done this list when I was younger.  38 things is a LOT.

18. Marriage is one of the few things that, no matter what anybody tells you, people's advice should be taken very lightly.  It's like snowflakes: each one is different.  What works for "everybody else" may not work for you.

19. Pay attention.  To EVERYTHING.  Details make all the difference.

20. It doesn't matter if it's cliche or not:  Send the women in your life flowers every once in a while.

21. Just because you are not a poet or a musician, you can still be profound.  Just speak from what you feel, and the rest will take care of itself.

22. Turn signals are a WONDERFUL thing.

23. Making someone laugh and/or smile is one of the most awesome feelings in the world.

24. ALWAYS have a "Plan B".

25. The original "Looney Tunes" cartoons will hold up FOREVER.

26. Be passionate about SOMETHING.

27. Sometimes, activism is simply doing what you believe in without having to tell anyone about it.

28. Everyone is the same.  No one is better than anyone else.  We all came into this world the same way, and the end result is the same for everyone.

29. Own and embrace your birthday and age. Trust me: it makes getting there a WHOLE lot easier.

30. If you are talking, more often than not, you are not listening.

31. MTV, VH-1, BET, and CMT will not show videos all day EVER AGAIN.

32. Your family is SO much more than the people that you are related to.

33. Rollercoasters are AWESOME.

34. It's OK to apologize.  There is no statute of limitations on doing so.

35. There is a difference between debate and argument, but in both cases, it's alright to admit when you are wrong.  And it is also alright to change your point of view from time to time.

36. Learn about other cultures by actually visiting them.  The Internet and TV can only do SO much.  Traveling makes memories that last a lifetime.

37. Michael W. Smith said it right: Friends are friends forever.  No matter how far they are from you geographically, never let them go in your heart, in your prayers, and in your thoughts.  The right ones are there no matter what.

38.  And this could be the most important one of all: Learn how to say "I love you" to each and every person you interact with socially.  ESPECIALLY IF YOU MEAN IT.  Whether it is a friend, a family member, a person you go to church with, or even someone you just think needs to hear it.  "Love your neighbor as yourself" isn't just a quote from the Bible; it's a lifestyle for all of us.  It will amaze you just how good it will make you feel.

Well, it's late enough, my dear reader.  I hope this entry finds you well, and if you are not, I hope this entry picked you up a little.  And know that I love you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice Rob