Friday, February 08, 2013

This Is A Life?: Chapter 8: The New Decade Dawns

As the '80s started, so did my 2nd grade year of elementary school.  This was the point where the geek in me really started to manifest, as I was made "A/V Guy" of the class.  That pretty much meant that I was responsible for wheeling the projector in from the library on Movie Day, making sure that the Listening Station was always working, threading film strips (kids, ask your parents about those) and synching them up with the tape playing as they went, etc.  My second grade teacher, Mrs. Griffin, took me under her wing and helped me feel more comfortable in my self by fostering the talents that were starting to come to the surface.  She was an IMMENSE influence on me, and probably the first non-family to be a true mentor to me.  My guidance counselor, Mr. Boyle, was the same way.

This time in my life was also when Mom would share with me the GREATNESS of James Bond.  This film came out that same year, and it would be the first time that I would publicly screw up a lyric, as I thought "Maybe I'm an open book" was "Maybe I'm a lonely goat".  Don't ask; I was 7.  Cut me some slack here.  Trivia: this was also the first, and only to this day, theme played over the opening credits of a James Bond film that had it's artist in said opening credits "performing" the song.

Have a great weekend, friends!  We will do this all again Monday!


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