Monday, February 18, 2013

This Is A Life? Chapter 9: Evolution Continues...

So, we reach the third grade in the fall of 1981, and my second grade teacher would also become my third grade teacher.  I was really starting to understand at this point what "clicks" were, as there were certain students that were in my class that were separating themselves from me, as they felt that their athletic prowess or "popularity" were different from others of us.  Sure, it stung a little bit, but I continued on with my development within reading comprehension and wanting to help out.  The song for this particular entry is not only a favorite of mine from those days, but I also had another version of this song on an album called "Chipmunk Rock".  That's right, I have this ON VINYL done by Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.  Be jealous.

See you Friday!


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