Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bamm-Bamm's Corner, 10/22/2009

Alright, let's get this done before the day gets away from us...

Right off the bat, let me be one of the millions to send my prayers to Jim Ross, who had a 3rd attack of Bells Palsy a few days ago. This guy is an absolute legend (I have said on more than one occasion that he and Gordon Solie are the two absolute best to ever put on the headset), and I hope that he is well soon. I want many more years to hear his voice on WWE programming.

Now, on to what we normally do...

I actually got to see Superstars this week. Not much to say but AT LEAST THEY DO A REPLAY. God bless WGN for more than one reason (three words: Bob & Tom), but there is something brewing on the horizon that we will save for another time. Topic Of The Week material.

Now, on to SmackDown! (That wasn't for excitement, it's just the way they list the show.)

OK, so I know that now, we had Maria back ringside, but are we not even going to address any aftermath of the "I don't see you in my future" thing? Is this going to push her heel, or is this going to turn into a Santino Vs. The Divas thing?

Oh GOD, don't make Matt job to Escobar... damn.

I do want to give props to the ring announcer for placing the emphasis on the first word of "THE Miz". Actually made me laugh a bit. It was also good to see Morrison show some aggression a bit, instead of the zen master bit he tends to work. This match may be worth a bit on Sunday.

OK, sure, C.M. Punk has a tattoo of the Pepsi logo on his arm (which I don't get, but he's also got the COBRA logo on the other one... which is cooler), but to call him "The choice of a new generation"? Really? I guess the copyright is up over the slogan, but damn...

I do wonder how Cryme Tyme works in as part of the "heel" SmackDown! team. Granted, you've got Swagger on the Raw team, but this seems just odd. I just fear that all of these matches on Sunday are going to be WAY too short, since you are committing at least an hour to one match in the main event (gotta allot time for a tie... please don't let that happen and taint the greatness of Shawn/Bret), but we shall see.

And is it just me, or does the Undertaker not seem to be into this AT ALL anymore? I am of the opinion that he wants to get to 20-0 at WrestleMania, but right now, that seems to be an ETERNITY away.

Moving on...

This week's Sign Of The Week comes from ECW, which read "Ralphus > The Big Show". Anytime you use a Ralphus reference, that is a WIN in my book.

We go to Ring Of Honor.

The only thing I wonder is about all of this pomp and circumstance with the departure of Brian Danielson, there has been NOTHING mentioned about Nigel McGuinness. We did find out this week that he did not sign with WWE, and is now part of the TNA roster, due to not passing Vince's physical screening. It still does not mean they couldn't give a proper send off to a guy that was their champ for a time. Best of luck to a guy whom I feel was in the best of the best of ROH's roster.

Now, Raw.

For a "family-friendly" show (we'll get to the host in a bit), the DiBiase/Orton thing was a bit much for me. Sure, he FINALLY shoved back, but it was way too late, and he still got punked. Perhaps a follow-up segment or something. And put the IC belt on that kid. He could be the future of this company.

Now, for Snoop. Three words here: walk the line.... hey kids, if you wanna roll the doobies, just tell your folks you're lighting candles! Narf.

Look at Shawn. Look at Janetty. Look at Shawn. Look at Janetty. Look at SHAWN. Look at JANETTY. LIGHT YEARS of difference there. Wow.

Why does the back of Miz's trunks say "Be Miz"? I get "Be Jealous," but why would he want anybody else to be him? Wouldn't that lessen his awesomeness?

Note to Melina: it's OK for you to trip going up the ring steps, just don't mess up the split again. That was WAY more embarrassing.

Lastly, I just wannna say that I want a Santino/Hornswaggle tag team. That would be good times.

Topic Of The Week this week had to be changed when it came down last Friday that Shane McMahon officially gave his notice to the company he has literally spent his entire life with. For those of you that don't know, as of January 1st, 2010, he will no longer work with World Wrestling Entertainment. The rumor that I have heard is that he is going to assist his mother, Linda, with her Senate run in Connecticut. This to me sounds like a good idea, as Shane can now do something outside of "the business" where he can really take charge of something that is not seen as being a puppet of his dad. Sure, he's now working with his mom, but I think he can be given more of a chance to shine on his own merits.

Since this is new territory for both of them, they can make this their own. Add to that the fact that Vince seems to be taking a "hands off" approach to this (which is a VERY good thing... XFL might have gone a bit longer if he did the same thing there), and this can be a great experience for them.

Do I think she can win? The mud is already flying, with videos on her opponent's websites and public statements. It's going to be an uphill battle, but only time can tell what will happen. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it come the new year.

That's it for this week, my friends and/or neighbors. Take care of yourselves, and we'll do it all again next week.


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