Friday, March 11, 2005

Don't Call It A Comeback

So, it's been almost a month? Well, there's a reason.

You may notice that this post is on a Friday night, which begs the question, "What the heck is Uncle B doing near a computer with internet access on a Friday night?" The answer is simple:

I am no longer in the DJ business.

A couple of weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a guy that I have known for years, and the comment was made that I was looking for something new, and within a few moments, I was offered a job to train to become an I.T. Network Administrator. More money, better benefits, less hours, and normal hours (eventually; whilst I am in training, I'm working 11:30 AM to 8:30 PM, which is still better than 5 PM to 2 AM). How could I pass that up? The concept of a career vs. a job was too good to pass up.

So now here I am, taking a step closer to what appears to be my density. You see, I've been around computers my whole life since my mother is a software corporate trainer for HP, so these things seem to come natural.

And don't even begin to imagine how much this excites Aunt J. The fact that I get to see my wife awake more than twice a week is simply amazing. Unfortunately the first week I am working this full-time she is experiencing a lot of tooth pain, but at least we have the time now.

My final show as a DJ & karaoke host was a week ago tomorrow, and it was simply amazing. A lot of people that have not been out to the show in a long time came out, and it was a night to remember. I got a few cards and gifts from the regulars, and many well-wishes. Sure, it was ironic that my last week singing for a living I all but lost my voice, but we got through it.

It didn't really hit me until Tuesday night (the first karaoke show at the City without my hosting), when I was on my couch and realized that it was Tuesday night and I was on my couch. It was a little bittersweet, but it was very satisfying as well. Plus, working the shift I'm on right now gives me the chance to transition my way back to normal 8 AM to 5 PM hours, instead of going cold turkey.

Tonight, I am going to enjoy some time at a local watering hole that I have heard about for years, and tomorrow is morning shift training, a FanForce meeting in the afternoon, and then a BBQ gathering with The Hawk tomorrow night, where some real good times are on deck.

I'm still a little nervous, as there is a lot to learn at this new job, but I'm confident at the same time that I will get this thing rolling in the way that only I can.

Plus, I have more time to add to this blog. Assuming anybody's reading.


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