Monday, March 28, 2005

Shameless Plug

Now that I have weekends to myself for the most part (while I'm in training with the new job, I do a few hours here and there), I have been trying to catch up on a lot of things that I have missed out on over the last few years. This past weekend, I was able to do one of those things by seeing a friend of mine's band play in Deep Ellum.

They are called The Gobos ( ), and they are absolute greatness. For the most part, they do speed rock covers of songs we all know and love, and sprinkle in original songs here and there. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll hug complete strangers.

I will tell you that this is not the family show, as they do work a bit blue. But when you hear a song about a guy that wants to buy his girl a boob job, and only ends up having enough money for one, your life will never be the same.

Visit the website for samples of the music, buy a CD (there are two: It's Naked Time, and Worst. Album. Ever.), and watch for upcoming shows. I will do everything in my power not to miss another one myself.


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