Monday, April 18, 2011

Rob Reviews Movies: Tron: Legacy

Been a while since I reviewed a movie, but I feel the need here to try to get back in the mode.

Since I retired from the DJ\Karaoke business, I have been spending a lot of Saturday night with some good friends watching movies I missed out on in theaters due to time constraints.  It has also been a time for us to start whittling down on the "Sharla List".

Sharla Parker is a good friend of mine who is the youngest of the circle of friends that I spend the most time with, and has missed seeing a lot of good movies.  Therefore, we have created a list of movies she has to see.  Yes, the list is long and distinguished, but we ARE getting there. So, do not expect a TON of new release reviews.  Some may be twenty years old, but it's about what I have watched recently.  In some cases, the review will come down to the question of "Does the flick still hold up?"

This week, though, I went off of that not-so beaten path, and watched a flick that I was TOTALLY bummed to miss in IMAX at the theater with "Tron: Legacy".

Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) leaves his son for work in 1989 and disappears.  His son, Sam (Garrett Hedlund) follows a strange lead that ends up with him in The Grid, a "world" his father discovered 25 years earlier (If you didn't see "Tron" you don't have to in order to keep up.  Plus, it TOTALLY doesn't hold up.), now controlled by a new villain.  Sam must fight to not only get back to our world, but save the one he's in.

Going into this film, I was worried about a watered-down, all eye candy, version of the original.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a good story with great visuals, and even the IMAX sequences were included in the correct aspect ratio on the Blu-Ray.  There was never a time in this film where I felt the story dragged, and even the subplot (won't ruin it here) helped enhance the story that was already there.  Daft Punk did a GREAT job with the score (they even cameo in the film), and even has tempted me to purchase it.

So, on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the best), I will give this a 7.  Would have ranked it higher, but not a lot of people want to embrace their "inner geek".  Mine lives on the outside.

Hopefully, I will have at least one of these for you each week.  So, until then...


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