Monday, April 04, 2011

Grading WrestleMania XXVII

I will try to make this a regular feature on my blog, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.  Now, if you want the full skimmy, make sure you listen to The Clubhouse With Rob & Cody each and every Tuesday night on Ustream!

What we are going to do here is give a grade to each match on the card, in the order they actually happened last night.  Original?  No.  Do I care?  Also, no.

U.S. Title Match: Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Since this didn't happen (it was a dark match that wasn't for the title, but it was still a lumberjack match that turned into a battle royal for the lumberjacks won by The Great Khali), I still wanted to put it here anyway.  Because that's how I roll.
Grade: Incomplete

World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge(c) (With Christian) vs. Alberto Del Rio (With Brodus Clay)
Wow, Vince.  Way to make sure that this is a belt you didn't invent by burying it at the bottom of the card.  Especially since this match was a LOT better than it had to be.  A lot of finisher attempts and reversals, and what I feel was the exact right amount of outside interference.  But I don't believe Christian could Tornado DDT Brodus Clay.  Phsyics just don't work out here.
Grade: B+

8 Man Tag Match: The Corre (Tag Champs Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel, Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett, and Ezekiel Jackson vs. Santino Marella, The Big Show, Kane, and Vladimir Kozlov)
Kozlov was attacked by The Corre at Axxess, so he was replaced by Kofi Kingston.  Well, that's ONE way to get him on the card.  (The rematch for the IC title would have been another, along with a Tag Title defense, but that would make too much sense).  The time it took me to type this is longer than the match itself.  This could have been done on "Superstars," for the love of the Almighty.
Grade: F- (That's right.  An F-.)

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
A few high spots here that I didn't expect to see out of this match.  Rey coming out in his "El Capitan de Mexico" outfit gives this bonus points.  Did like Cody blocking the 619 halfway in.  Also good to see Cody get the win
Grade: B-

Randy Orton vs. C.M. Punk
I never thought I would say this, and I did last night: Punk should NEVER WORK FACE AGAIN.  His heel character has really come a long way, and both of these guys worked well last night.  Only one groan (all of a sudden, Randy has to sell the knee before he kicks Punk), but a GREAT finish in a match that had some great moments, and was a LOT better than it should have been.
Grade: A-

Jerry  "The King" Lawler vs. Michael Cole (With Jack Swagger, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was the special guest referee)
We lost the feed during this match, so I just have to go with the ending, when we got the feed back.  Without Austin, this fails miserably, especially with Lawler not being able to use the piledriver.  I now have to concede that Cole is the GM, which makes this even lamer.
Grade: D+ (only because of Austin does this not go worse)

Triple H vs. The Undertaker (No Holds Barred)
Still don't understand why this was where it was on the card.  I had such majorly high expectations for this match, and it started out REALLY strong.  However, it seemed like the longer it went, the more it just kind of waned.  A FOREVER finish, and we never got to see the sledgehammer used.  Granted, HHH using the Tombstone and not letting "Old School" happen were great spots (and a LOT of false finishes), but the ending still bugs me.  And no HBK shenanigans?  I'm kind of torn on that.
Grade: B-

6 Person Mixed Tag Match (Trish Stratus, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, & John Morrison vs. Lay Cool & Dolph Ziggler)
I'll give this match a little props here: Congratulations to Snooki for showing a little athletic prowess here.  Made me wonder if she trained with Kelly Kelly.  Quick match, and the guys never got involved.  Not even Vickie really had a reason to be there.  And THIS ranked above HHH/Taker on the card?
Grade: B

WWE Title Match (The Miz (c) vs. John Cena)
The entrances were AWESOME, although it seems like Vince is doing everything he can to keep Cena face in the fans' eyes (the choir, the red, white, and blue, the "all about the kids").  The crowd was DEAD by this point, and I think it affected the match itself.  Riley has pretty much become a non-factor to The Miz, who has really become over as a MONSTER heel.  It was also good to see The Miz retain.  I think we all anticipated The Rock's shenanigans, but him Rock Bottoming Cena kind of took a bit of the heel heat away from last Monday night.  Kind of ended the Showcase of the Immortals on a whimper, but still not a bad match.
Grade: B-

That's it!  Remember to tune in tomorrow night to interact with Cody and myself LIVE!


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