Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bamm-Bamm's Corner, 11/12/009

Allllready. Let's get into it...

No iMpact! stuff this week. I've been under the weather and didn't wanna leave the house. So sue me.

Did get to watch Superstars this week (see what happens when you do an encore presentation of your product?), so here we are...

Is it bad that during Primo's match that all I was thinking was "Where the heck has Carlito been?" Never thought I'd see the day that Primo would take the driver's seat. Not necessarily a bad thing, but wow.

Also, one has to wonder why Burchill isn't good enough for the League Of Nations. It's not like he used to work with Regal as a pirate or anything....

Finally, I wonder if Striker can sue Jericho for gimmick infringement with the five dollar college words.

SmackDown! is where we move to next.

You know, I have been called a lot of things in this life (some of them even have some truth to them), but "gelatinous" is not one of them. Sure, I'm a big dude, but damn...

Striker really has, in my opinion, found his calling here. I would love to see him work with JR when he gets back. A three man table? Maybe, but I could do without Grisham and the fake Martin Short that does the "Free For All" before the PPV's. And the ECW announce team.

The only other thing I really have to say here is hey, it's Rey Rey versus a big man... AGAIN. Narf.

Sign Of The Week winner this time around is "Jillian 4 X-Factor". For those of you that don't know, it's the UK's "Idol". Funny!

To Raw we go...

Ricky Hatton looked absolutely CLUELESS here. I did notice that he didn't bother to even try to say anybody's names so he didn't screw them up. The dude looked like he stopped hitting the heavy bag and BECAME it. Thank God he didn't go shirtless in his "match".

LOVE that shirt Shawn had. Good times.

Anybody else think Vince could take a page out of TNA's book and get some Diva Tag Belts? Might make the Diva tag matches not be as "whatever" as they are now. Oh wait, this is the company that has ECW, with ONE BELT. Go fig.

Didn't realize that WrestleMania is "the hottest ticket in town," which is a bit that they showed right after a spot letting you know that there are tickets still available.

Shamus? Meh.

"Cinco Dart Mayo," Chavo? Good stuff. And man, Chavo got TAGGED in that match. About as close to a perfect spot (and noise) as you can get.

Here's another bold prediction: a Miz/Swagger tag team is coming. BELIEVE IT.

Finally here, I don't care how many times I have to say this... I LOVE THIS KOFI KINGSTON PUSH. This could be the best move they've made in a long time, and it shows. The fans LOVE this, and the fact that they are having him take it straight to Orton makes it even better. Orton tries to retreat, and Kofi follows. THAT is how you do it, kids.

And I'm totally on board with the potential of the main event on Raw next week.

ECW had a bit to let me talk about, so let's do it...

When is somebody going to let Abraham Washington know that his watch reads 14:59? This bit was old before they even did it.

And Tony Atlas: you're a HALL OF FAMER, dammit. This is lower than when you were forced to be Mark Henry's lackey.

You know, I bet Zack Ryder wishes he was an Edge lackey again. Probably not as much as Hawkins, but still...

Really, Josh Matthews? Tiffany found Vance Archer when she discovered him in JAPAN? I didn't know that iMpact taped there.

And for those of you wondering, there's no WAY that Helms is the guy appearing as The Hurricane as of late.

Topic Of The Week is something that's been kind of bothering me as of late. As many of you know, Hogan is doing a tour of Austrailia before he gets the ball rolling with TNA. You may have also have read that Flair is going to be wrestling, and they are wrestling each other in each main event.

I know what you're thinking: "I know what's bugging you, Rob... Flair is returning to the rign without Shawn coming out and saying that he's cool with it..." At first, I was, and I'm not afraid to admit that. But, something's bothering me more...

Why do they have to wrestle each other? There's no WAY that Flair wins any of these matches (I mean "Hulkamania" is in the NAME OF THE TOUR), but why not go the other way with it, by letting them tag? Granted, you wouldn't have gotten the promo that Flair cut on the Interwebs for it (go look it up... you'll swear that it's 1987 again if you close your eyes), but Flair vs. Hogan barely lived up to any hype when WCW finally did it in like '93. Now, it just seems kinda sad. Let them go up against a couple of the younger pups and have some fun with it.

And Flair's getting married AGAIN. Ah, what the hell... mazel tov.

All right, all right, all right... I'm getting done just in time before Superstars starts this cycle all over again (I'm in Texarkana, Texas right now, so I can watch both it and iMpact! tonight), so until next time... laters.


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