Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Star Is Born? Maybe. A Baby Is Born? Definitely.

Let's first address the second part of this title. Monday night, my friends (and surrogate family) Rick & Trin welcomed their third child into the world. A beautiful baby girl, she checked in at 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and at press time, has not to my knowledge been given a name. I will keep you posted as details warrant. So, until then, welcome to the party, She Whose Name Has Not Been Disclosed.

Now, on to the other part of the title of this entry. As I am sure those of you that are stateside are aware, the phenomenon known as American Idol has thrust itself upon us yet again for it's fourth season. Yes, I am sucked in again, but no, I cannot get through the "auditions" without cringing and praying for an end.

It has been well documented that the producers of the show have upped the age limit this year to 28, which in my opinion is a good thing, because with age comes experience and maturity, espeically in voice. (Side note: Diana DeGarmo was obviously an exception to this rule, and should have won the damn thing last year.) But you have to ask the question: Has the talent pool gotten THAT shallow?

Simply, yes.

I mean, it's rough enough that they had to add the "celebrity judge" already, but to see what these people had to put up with is simply unbearable. We are four nights in, and we have less than fifty finalists in Hollywood? Wow.

It has also been published that the men and the women in the competition will be separated out until the finalists for the live big show are announced, as the women had the clear cut edge last year. You know what? If that's where the talent is, deal. I personally had no issue with that last year. Oh yeah, except for the "person who won" part.

So, as a service that I like to provide, I will offer the following advice to those of you that are planning on facing the judges behind the table:

1- Get the opinions of people that you are NOT related to or NOT obligated to kiss your butt. This way, you can make an informed opinion of whether to "grace our televisions with your presence".

2- Should you decide to go forward with your quest to be the next pop superstar, dress respectably. The concept of "good publicity is worse than none" doesn't work if they don't put your name on TV. Otherwise, Chuckles, they ARE laughing at you.

3- Finally, should you get to the point where you have to face Randy, Paula, Simon, and Judge X, SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE. They are the judges, and they have the final say. At NO point has arguing with them changed their minds, and you are not real likely to be the first to do so. Simply say "thank you for your time" and move on. Looking like a groveling jackass doesn't do anyone any good. Except Fox. They LOVE that stuff. Do the words "Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire" mean anything?

That's really about it for now. Once more, welcome to the world to my latest niece. Man, too many more of these and Christmas is REALLY going to start sucking.


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