Thursday, December 17, 2015

Farewell To A Friend I Have Never Met

In the fall of 1991, I was a freshman in college at the University of South Florida.  I was starting to truly embrace my love of radio and broadcasting, and I was about to change my major to reflect it.  I loved the power that a microphone, mixing board, and music source had: they could change the mood in a room, help heal wounds, give hope to life as we know it, and even make us feel a little better about ourselves and each other.

One day, someone that lived in my dorm told me that they had a cassette (OK, kids: there used to be these things... nevermind... ask your parents) that I HAD to hear.  Coupling my love of radio with my obsession with stand-up comedy, I put the tape in my player, and over the next sixty minutes, my life would change forever.

It was called "With a Little Help from Our Friends," and it was done by something called "The Bob & Tom Show".  They were a morning radio show broadcast from Indianapolis, and I could not get enough of that tape.  I wore it out, got a second one from my friend, and lost it a couple of years later when I lent it to another friend.  The bits on that tape stayed with me over the years, from "18 Wheels on a Big Rig" by Heywood Banks (yes, Dallasites... that bit Kidd Kraddick used to play was the EXACT track from "The Bob & Tom Show"... you can hear Heywood actually say "OK, Mr. Smart Bob" on it) to the Love Brothers to "The Chicken Song," I could not stop laughing even after the billionth time listening.

After I lost that tape, I would go into a B&T void for many years until 1999.  I was in the music store in my local mall, and as was my custom, I would head straight for the comedy section to seek out the next big thing that no one was listening to.  Rummaging through the CD's, I found "Greatest Hits, Vol. 1" and it was like I had found something Indiana Jones would drop everything he was doing to go after.

From that day forward, I would hit every music store that I could find to forage through and find any B&T CD's that I could get my grubby little mitts on.  Over the years, I have amassed quite a bit, and even though I have a ways to go, I am proud of the collection that I have.  I have even gotten to go to Indiana a couple of times and gotten to listen to them live on the radio, which was a true treat for me, along with the television show they had on WGN America for a time, as well as a VIP Membership with their website so I can get the show each and every weekday in my iPod to listen in.

About a month ago, I woke up to read the news that at their Radio Hall of Fame induction, one half of the duo, Bob Kevoian, announced that he would be retiring at the end of 2015.  As heartbroken as I was to read the announcement, my heart was also warmed to know that he will be able to continue on with his wife travelling across the country in their Airstream and will be able to enjoy their twilight years together.  I have no doubt that the show will go on just like it has with the time Bob has taken off over the last few years (hindsight being what it its, they have been setting this up, but I guess I had blinders on), but today is a bitter sweet day for me to know that he has just finished up his last show with Tom, Kristi, and Chick and I patiently await for today's show (which is also their last show before their end-of-year break) to download.  (Also being the day that I get to see "The Force Awakens" just furthers the emotional roller-coaster of this day.  So, there is THAT.)

There are people in this world that we feel like are a part of our being.  They touch our lives in ways we never thought imaginable.  They are like family to us.  In this case, it is someone that I have never been in the same room with, never had a conversation with, and may never do so.  Bob: thank you for being part of an entity that has brought me more joy that I could have ever imagined for over half my life.  You have given all of us a debt that we will never be able to repay, and we are all totally OK with that.  Enjoy retirement, but don't be afraid to call in and say hey to the gang every once in a while.  It will be good to hear your voice and maybe even see some pictures of your exploits.

And one more thing: if you drop something on the floor, be careful getting back up if you are under a desk.  All the best to you and your family, sir.

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