Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bamm-Bamm's Corner, 12/22/2009

First off, read the last column and say it with me.... CALLED THAT.

I've had a tough time trying to figure out what to write about this week, and the inspiration just hit me.

I'm sitting here watching the WWE "Tribute To The Troops" special that NBC aired last Saturday night (the 8th one they've done, for those of you playing the home game), and I think every year about how awesome this thing is.  When you realize that they do this thing almost as a "turn and burn," (remember, Raw was live the week before AND the week after they did this special), and seeing the joy and happiness that it brings to the troops leads me to one conclusion.

I don't care if you hate the very existance of professional wrestling.  I don't care if you think it's lame and pointless.  I don't care if you call it "fake," "stupid," or any negative label that makes you think you look cool to your friends.  I don't care if you snicker when you see me wearing any gear that supports programming that I have enjoyed since I wore a younger man's clothes.  Do it all you want, but I can say with a decent amount of certainty that the people whose work YOU enjoy don't go IN PERSON to a bonafide war zone to bring some fun to the people that lay down their lives for YOU each and every day, and even if they do (and I thank them for that), they don't do it EVERY YEAR, especially during the holidays.

This show hits me where I live each and every year.  To see the troops react like they do and talk about how they look forward to this event each and every year (and it is in a different place each and every year, by the way) is just amazing.  If this show does not affect you, then you are soulless.  I don't care who you are, you HAVE to respect the love and commitment that the WWE gives, not only to our troops, but also to the community itself (promotions involving literacy, Make A Wish, soldiers at home, etc.).

Let it also be said that TNA does some great charity work as well.  Have to give respect where respect is due.

Finally this week, while I am talking about celebrities entertaining our troops, I want to recommend a great documentary to all of you.  It is called "Patriot Act," and it is about a 2 week trip that Jeffrey Ross took to the Middle East with Drew Carey, Blake Clark, and a few other comedians to entertain our men and women over there.  What started as just a home movie turned into a life-changing documentary for him.  If you have the Netflix Instant Queue, it is available there to stream.  Think about those men and women this time of year that are half a world away from their families and send a request to whomever you believe in at the end of this mortal coil to keep them safe and bring them home even safer.

Happy Holidays to all of you, and make sure you hug your loved ones a little tighter, because they are YOURS.


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