Monday, March 27, 2006

Show Me The "HUH?"

Yeah, yeah. I know it's been awhile. Bite me.

I kinda had to post about this, because I'm a little confused. For those of you that know me, you know that I have been a bit unsettled in the last few years when it comes to the films that are pouring out of Hollywood like cheap wine at a teenage kegger. It seems like the concept of "the original idea" has all but left us as a society, as there are more remakes and revivals of things than an Elvis impersonators' convention in Vegas.

So now, there is a new film that is being released in April that has so much buzz about it, that the cast and crew had to get back together for five days of reshoots, so as to make this "phenomenon" live up to the standards that our society seemingly has put it up to.

It's called Snakes On A Plane. It's about a flight full of witnesseses to a crime or something (guarded by Samuel L. Jackson... brotha, you're KILLING ME taking projects like this) that goes awry when a bunch of SNAKES get loose and terrorize the passengers on THE PLANE.

Snakes. On A Plane.

First of all, is there anything in this CGI-induced age that we have been thrust into look more CGI looking than snakes? I mean, at least Spielberg used SOME real ones. One would think that after the anti-profit that was not only one but TWO Anaconda movies that we would leave the snake flicks alone, but NOOOOOOO. We now get this potential piece of dreck starring one of my favorite actors of this generation. Sure, he did "The Caveman's Valentine" and "The Long Kiss Goodnight," but he's still SAMUEL L. FREAKING JACKSON. George Lucas called HIM to be in the Star Wars prequels. He is this generation's Shaft. He's Jules, for God's sake. And he takes THIS? It's not even like I've heard any stories about him filming this a decade ago, and it's just now seeing the light of day.

Snakes. On A Plane. That's what we're going with.

Hell, at least Florida's in the Final Four.


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