Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Office

I've been actually wanting to rant about this for awhile, but for some reason, I picked today to be a bit surly.

There are certain things that I have seen around the office building that I am in (BTW, I hit my one-year anniversary about a month ago.. hooray ME!!) that I have to vent, because it drives me crazy.

For instance: unless you have some sort of physical limit that prevents you from doing so (and I know that there are those of you out there that do), only use the elevator for trips of two floors or more. In my building, the people on the second floor have their own dedicated staircase that goes from the lobby to the second floor. Yet, these people still feel the need to take the elevator between the two. Now, I have worked in two different office buildings with multiple floors (once on the 11th, now on the 6th). I would like to be able to get to my office with some efficiency, and not have to stop on every floor because somebody carrying a single folder seems to feel that the extra 5 ounces prevents them from taking stairs that would take less time than waiting for the elevator. One flight ain't gonna kill ya. USE IT.

Also, I have to give a shout out to those of you that do not smoke, like myself. Through the research that I have done over roughly the last decade or so, I have come to the conclusion that those who smoke take an average of an extra hour of breaks a day to support the charring of their respiratory systems. Therefore, I propose the "non-smoker break". I've been doing this for a while, and nobody seems to have an issue as of yet. (Now, let me say that if you have a job that chains you to your phone, and requires you to do a "not ready" button to take a break, you're kinda screwed.) I just simply take a walk or look outside the window for a few minutes. Kinda gets you a fresh brain, and nobody can bitch if they don't handle up on the smokers. Kind of my way of levelling the playing field a bit.

Lastly (for now), when you are leaving your building after work, leave some room in traffic for those behind you. Don't block an exit just because you have temporarily escaped the clutches of The Man; feel for those of your bretheren that are trying to do the same. Especially if your building is on the frontage road to the freeway, like mine. I have to take the back way out just to avoid the headaches.

Off to Houston this weekend with the wife to witness the union of two of our friends, as well as to meet up with the great DanElHombre from the News Askew Boards for some drinks, so good times are to be had.

Until I get not lazy again...


Monday, March 27, 2006

Show Me The "HUH?"

Yeah, yeah. I know it's been awhile. Bite me.

I kinda had to post about this, because I'm a little confused. For those of you that know me, you know that I have been a bit unsettled in the last few years when it comes to the films that are pouring out of Hollywood like cheap wine at a teenage kegger. It seems like the concept of "the original idea" has all but left us as a society, as there are more remakes and revivals of things than an Elvis impersonators' convention in Vegas.

So now, there is a new film that is being released in April that has so much buzz about it, that the cast and crew had to get back together for five days of reshoots, so as to make this "phenomenon" live up to the standards that our society seemingly has put it up to.

It's called Snakes On A Plane. It's about a flight full of witnesseses to a crime or something (guarded by Samuel L. Jackson... brotha, you're KILLING ME taking projects like this) that goes awry when a bunch of SNAKES get loose and terrorize the passengers on THE PLANE.

Snakes. On A Plane.

First of all, is there anything in this CGI-induced age that we have been thrust into look more CGI looking than snakes? I mean, at least Spielberg used SOME real ones. One would think that after the anti-profit that was not only one but TWO Anaconda movies that we would leave the snake flicks alone, but NOOOOOOO. We now get this potential piece of dreck starring one of my favorite actors of this generation. Sure, he did "The Caveman's Valentine" and "The Long Kiss Goodnight," but he's still SAMUEL L. FREAKING JACKSON. George Lucas called HIM to be in the Star Wars prequels. He is this generation's Shaft. He's Jules, for God's sake. And he takes THIS? It's not even like I've heard any stories about him filming this a decade ago, and it's just now seeing the light of day.

Snakes. On A Plane. That's what we're going with.

Hell, at least Florida's in the Final Four.