Thursday, February 02, 2006

I Want My HDTV

So, about eight months ago, I buy a big screen. It's one of those things that I have always wanted, and I wanted to make sure that I got one before my wife and I have kids. I'm not stupid: I know if I waited until after the offspring arrive, there would be no way that I would have been able to. I also bought an HD antenna, so I could at least watch my local channels in high definition.

It kinda works.

Due to the fact that I have this big church next door to the house (and since the antenna is kinda small), I don't get all of the local channels that I want. It's cool though; hopefully, the price of the HD Tivo will be low enough for me to get one, and when DirecTV gets HD local, I'll be fine.

Here's the problem, though:

I tuned in our local CBS affiliate tonight, as Survivor: Exile Island premiered tonight, AND IT WASN'T IN HD. So, I let the TiVo in our bedroom get it, so I can watch it later.

How is it possible that one of the highest rated show on television (and the highest in reality television HISTORY), can't be enjoyed in HD goodness? If for no other reason, the tropical locations would look incredible. Ask the people who air Discovery Channel in HD, for Alanis' sake.

Sorry, just wanted to rant. Later.