Friday, June 10, 2005


I know it's been a while (again), but I swear, I have a good excuse. This whole week, I have been stuck down at City Hall configuring a bunch of laptops for a project that launches next week, so I have been stuck in a conference room, UNDERGROUND, with no internet per say. Plus, with the frustration I have been dealing with on this thing, I didn't really want to deal with a computer when I got home. I ended up using my PC anyway, as I finally finished loading all of my CD's into my new mp3 player (it took over two weeks), but there was little to no internet action during that time.

Now that we've cleared THAT up...

Last night was the premiere of the 2005 MTV Movie Awards. For those of you that are unaware, this show is NOT live (it was taped last week), and it had some great highlights, and some lowlights. Here is a list of a bit of both:

-Probably the best set that this show has ever seen. Lots going on, and the fact that nothing inside the letters was a video screen was cool.
-Jimmy Fallon... not that bad as a host. Some of his standup in the beginning was a bit flat, but he knew when to stick on something and when to move on. Good stuff.
-The Breakfast Club reunion was absolute GREATNESS. I can't believe that Nelson and Estevez shined the thing (great line about their whereabouts from Hall), but it was cool to see those kids together again. And DAMN, that silver bucket was HUGE.
-That Rachel McAdams has grown up, in the most positive of ways... iiiiiif you know what I mean.
-Lacey Chebert working the J. Lo booty! Wow.
-Lindsay Lohan is starting to look a little healthier. The wife and I were talking about that, and she just needs to have a little thickness to her. It adds to her hotness.
-Anybody else notice that as the Lohan left the stage with her award, that the next presenter was spare-ass-second-rate-Lohan wannabe Hilary Duff? Heh.
-Nicole Kidman: class act.
-Foo Fighters: always great. Anybody else notice that Grohl just rocks anything he touches, but Novicelic can't seem to get anything going?
-Mariah Carey: great performance. Good to see her finally getting things back on track. The thickness works for her, too.
-Did Suchin Pak get the girls done?
-Much love to Ben Stiller for parodying the whole "Serious Talk During My Speech" thing.
-Dustin Hoffman. 'Nuff said.

-Did we need the "Fantastic Four" speech about who's who and what they do? I am now nervous about this film again.
-Nicole Richie? Really? Was Kennedy unavailable?
-Yellowcard absolutely DESTROYED "Don't You (Forget About Me)". Period.
-Eminem: Eh. Points for the shirt, but that's aboot it.
-Memo to Paul Walker: her English ain't that great. Fight through it.
-Some of the bits (Ep. III, Crashing 101, Fighting With The Announcer) went on WAY too long.
-This Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes thing is just unstable.

That's all I've really got for now.